In the Fallout universe, the Great War plunged the world into a nuclear nightmare. Vault-Tec, a pre-war corporation, offered salvation – underground vaults designed to shield humanity. However, these vaults held more than just shelter; they were a twisted canvas for Vault-Tec’s social and psychological experiments. Let’s delve into the known vaults and the disturbing secrets they contain.
Famous Vaults:
- Vault 11 (Fallout: New Vegas): This vault instituted a yearly sacrifice, voted upon by residents. Only five remained when the vault door opened.
- Vault 13 (Fallout, Fallout 2): The “control” vault, Vault 13 functioned normally for decades until a malfunctioning water chip forced the lone vault dweller to venture out.
- Vault 76 (Fallout 76): An experiment in social cohesion, Vault 76 residents emerged 25 years after the bombs, completely unprepared for the wasteland.
- Vault 101 (Fallout 3): This vault created a utopia built on a lie. Residents believed the surface remained irradiated, keeping them docile for generations.
- Vault 111 (Fallout 4): Cryogenic preservation was the experiment here. The protagonist emerges after 200 years to find their spouse murdered and son kidnapped.
Vaults of Societal Oddities:
- Vault 81 (Fallout 4): Focused on mental health studies, Vault 81 residents unknowingly lived in a simulated reality to control their perception.
- Vault 34 (Fallout: New Vegas): An experiment in conformity, Vault 34 residents worshipped a toaster they believed to be their god.
- Vault 8 (Fallout 2): This vault pitted two factions against each other in a gladiatorial battle for survival, with the winning faction to inherit the vault’s resources.
- Vault 92 (Fallout 3): A vault designed to study bureaucracy, residents became obsessed with following nonsensical rules, leading to their demise.
More Sinister Experiments:
- Vault 108 (Fallout 3): An experiment in loyalty, Vault-Tec replaced residents with synth replicas programmed to eliminate anyone who questioned their authority.
- Vault 87 (Fallout 3): The Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) was tested here, creating super mutants and a hostile environment.
- Vault 112 (Fallout 3): This vault housed clones of pre-war figures, intended to rebuild society with Vault-Tec’s chosen leaders.
Vaults with a Chance of Success:
- Vault 3 (Fallout: New Vegas): A vault focused on gambling, Vault 3 thrived through a functioning casino economy.
- Vault 88 (Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop): The Sole Survivor gains complete control over this vault, allowing them to build their own society.
The Unknowns:
Many vaults remain shrouded in mystery, with only rumors or scraps of information available. The true purpose of these vaults and the fates of their inhabitants continue to intrigue players.
Exploring the Vaults
The Fallout franchise offers a vast world to explore these vaults and their stories. Play the games, visit fan communities, and delve into the lore to uncover the dark secrets Vault-Tec kept hidden beneath the surface. Remember, in the wasteland, even a haven can be a twisted experiment.