Luchi Lewinski is an aspiring independent artist from Ypsilanti, Michigan about 30 minutes west of Detroit, Michigan. She has been making music for five years now. In that time she has become an r.i.a.a. registered artist. She has had over 500,000 views over multiple platforms. She has been on Hot 97 radio. She has two new singles on the way. “R.I.P.” and “Table full of bosses.” She makes motivation music. Music that makes you want to do positive things. She has a real rags to riches story. Subscribe to her YouTube channel the official Luchi Lewinski channel. Follow her on spotify. Instagram luchi_lewinski shes on tiktok also Luchi Lewinski Luchi Lewinski is in a league of her own. When it comes to her creativity and hardwork. There is no stopping her.