Is Now the Time to Visit Las Vegas?

Covid-19 struck the United States and the rest of the world hard in 2020, but we’ve learned a lot. We’ve learned to use masks and social distance. We’ve learned who are the most vulnerable. But, we’ve also learned that the world can keep going even in a global pandemic. Workers can still work, shoppers can still shop, and we can still take a hard earned vacation.

This might be the perfect time to do it too. Lines are shorter, crowds are smaller, and jackpots are hitting. The Vegas Strip is back open, and people are starting to have fun again. Of course with caution and proper distancing, but if you’re an introvert who still likes the bright lights and fun that Vegas has to offer it couldn’t be a better time.

Vegas shows may soon start soon too, so you may even be able to catch some entertainment from the stars of Vegas. Also, Vegas is cheaper than ever. Rooms are cheaper, parking is free, even flights to and from are cheaper. I know where I’m going for vacation soon, maybe I’ll see you there?