Is Dogecoin the Currency of the Future?


Elon Musk, the richest man on planet has been furiously twitting about Yachts? Supercars? Private Jets? No, he’s been twitting about Dogecoin.

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency like bitcoin that can be bought, mined, or invested in. It may have started off as a joke, and a pretty good one at that, but people like Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban accepts this joke at his games.


People have been investing into it a lot too. Some people have even become millionaires from it. If you would have bought just $100 worth a year ago, it’d be worth over $20,000 at it’s peak just a few short weeks ago. So with this growth does this mean dogecoin is the coin of the future? According to Elon it may be the moon’s future currency.


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